Liz Mathis Visits Luther College

From Left to Right, Anna Wallace (‘24), Vice President of the Luther Democrats Club, Liz Mathis, and Ethan Bellendier (‘23), President of the Luther Democrats Club. Photo courtesy of Korpo M. Selay, Chip staff writer.

On Tuesday, October 25, Iowa’s 2nd Congressional District candidate Liz Mathis paid a campaign visit to Luther College. The event was sponsored by Luther College Democrats and took place in the CFL Recital Hall. Mathis took questions from the audience and spoke about her family, work history, and plans for the future of Iowa and the United States. She also mentioned her contributions to the state of Iowa as a non-profit executive, former broadcast journalist, and state senator since 2011.


“As a journalist, you interview many types of people and understand their way of life through their responses,” Mathis said. “To provide the truth when you report the news, you need to understand that you are responsible to the people you serve. 


Mathis started the talk by providing a brief history about her family, during which she informed the audience that she grew up on a farm in eastern Iowa. Her anecdotes of her father selling seed corn led to her support of relief packages for farmers. Mathis then talked about the early stages of her career as a journalist as an anchor at KWWL Channel 7 and KCRG Channel 9 and as an educator at Wartburg College in Waverly.


“I paid for my first year of college at the University of Iowa by saving money I earned from detasseling on corn plantations and mowing the local cemetery,” Mathis said. “As an anchor, I spent hours digging into stories to ensure that Iowans get the absolute truth and shone a light on issues affecting the state.”


Although she is running to be a U.S. Representative against Rep. Ashley Hinson, Mathis emphasized how her past careers have helped prepare her for this public office. Mathis also talked about her career as a journalist, and the connections she has made through her career as both a journalist and a political candidate. 


“A journalist does not only listen but also hears people’s needs and ensures others hear them too,” Mathis said. “As a legislator, I listen to people’s stories and views about different issues and understand that every story and view matters. I am responsible for finding the truth in all those stories and making the best decisions for everyone.” 


Luther College Democrats President Ethan Bellendier (‘23) talked about the importance of hosting events like Mathis’ visit on college campuses. Bellendier said the Luther Democrats believe in involving students in decision making processes, and want students to find their role in decision making processes. 


“It’s important to bring political candidates to Luther before the elections because these events help remind students that they matter and remind them to vote,” Bellendier said. “Through these events, students also meet the people who might be making policies that affect their lives and others worldwide.”  


One of the students in attendance was Sidney Miller (‘24). As a student interested in Mathis’ congressional race, Miller attended the event because she believed in the importance of politicians visiting their potential constituents before an election.


“Engaging in conversations where students can ask political aspirants questions and determine if they align with their [the students’] personal views is essential in understanding why you are voting for someone,” Miller said. “Currently, I work for a campaign in my home district in Minnesota because of the importance of this race.”


Throughout her campaign Mathis has emphasized the importance of working together regardless of political affiliation, and she continued to stress this idea during the talk. She talked about some of her main focuses, such as creating healthcare access centers across rural Iowa and the United States, specifically maternal health care. Mathis supported legislation lowering the cost of products by investing more in supply chains across the country, as well as supporting efforts to end violence against women and pushes for women’s rights. 


The midterm elections will take place on November 8, and students can choose to either vote in Iowa or their home state. For Luther students choosing to vote in Winneshiek County, more information about the midterms can be found at the Winneshiek County 2022 General Election website